Saturday, 26 March 2011



With this quality the Buddha’s fifteen conducts (paNNarasacaraNa) which represent Buddha’s great wisdom (mahApaJJA) and great compassion (mahAkaruNa) are given. The eight knowledges are as follows,

1.  VipassanAJJANa – Knowledges of insight means seeing the name and form (nAma rUpa) in terms of impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness (dukkha) and soullessness (anatta).
2.  µanomayiddhiJANa – The knowledge of psychic creation, this knowledge means the ability to create a mental body, which is exactly same to one’s own body.
3.  îddhipabedhaJANa – The knowledge of creating many psychic forms, with this one gets the ability to create many forms.
4.  ∂ibbasotaJANa – The knowledge of divine ear, this knowledge enables a person to hear voices far and near, human and divine, this worldly and other worldly by attaining into it when necessary.
5.  ParacittavijananaJANa – The knowledge of knowing other’s mind, this knowledge enables a person to know the mind of others. This is again includes the mind of beings far and near, mundane and supramundane and divine and human.
6.  PubbenivAsAnussatiJANa – The knowledge of remembering the past births, with this knowledge one recollects his memory of many thousand births that he had led before coming to the present life.
7.  ∂ibbacakkhuJANa (cutUpapātaJANa) – The knowledge of divine eye or the knowledge of knowing future births and deaths of beings, with this knowledge one can know how the beings die and are reborn in future.
8.   ĀsavakkhayaJANa – The knowledge of the destruction of cankers, this is the highest knowledge possessed by the Liberated One and with the same, He gets his mind freed from the bondages of defilements.

Next come the fifteen modes of behavior that are excellent in the Buddha’s life. The paNNarasacaraNAdhammA are as follows, 

1.  PAtimokkhasaMvarasīla – The discipline of higher moral code
2.  îndriyasaMvarasīla – The discipline of faculties
3.  BhojanemattaJJutA – Knowing the limit of food
4.   JAgariyAnuyoga – Practicing mental culture devoid of sleep (knowing the limit of sleep)
5.  ßaddhA – Confident faith in the teacher, the doctrine and the community
6.   Hiri – Shame in doing evil
7.  Ottappa – Fearing in doing evil
8.  Bahussuta – Learnedness
9.  VIriya – Effortfulness in doing good
10. ßati – Mindfulness
11. PaJJA– Insight
12. PaThamajjhAna – First trance
13. ∂utiyajjhAna – Second trance
14. TatiyajjhAna – Third trance
15. CatutthajjhAna – Fourth trance

These fifteen ways of noble behaviour are observed in the Buddha in full. Therefore, He is described as endowed with highest mode of noble behaviour.

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