Monday, 18 July 2011

Maha Prajapati Gotami, Step Mother of Prince Siddhartha

Maha prajapati Gotami  first was that to demand over over to demand that, Buddhas to unite himself commanding .An important an it was in Devadaha, that family Suppabuddha to the world come, like most youth of sister.  Was then it called because the fortunes tellers, its birth, that, that have is prophesies at clock?

 The Buddha went Mahapajapati Gotami and asked he to be ordered in Sangha.  The Buddha was denied and went he, has.  Put fearlessly cuts Gotami the hairs and the yellow dresses put and many ladies of Sakyan, have the Buddha in to Fu? continued.  On the arrival, it repeated its petition it because it becomes ordered because it orders.  Did Ananda, one of the Hauptanh? nger and a put assistant of the Buddha, he it found and offered has he to intervene the Buddha in its advantage

Venerable Nanda, Buddha's Cousin Brother Nanda

It was seven years after its century of lights, whose the Buddha, on proposal of its father, that lost it much, it went to its city of the house of Kapilavatthu again.

In the third day his the Buddha, to have, its nourishment interested, has he in fact delivered to conceal its cup in Nanda, the rose and went he. The thought, that the Buddha its cup behind Nanda jusqu continued it ' in reached the park of Nigrodha where the Buddha remained. That was the quiet demonstration of Buddha you Dhamma its brother: A scene that in the art Greek often is represented - Buddhism.

If they came in the park, the Buddha Nanda asked whether he is is be perhaps. Although he himself only had married Nanda he there the Janapada, that the same day, he took, to command and is united that.

Nevertheless Nanda has the intellectual. Its thoughts are to in Janapada led become and sighed the heart it.

The learning of its, that Buddha Nanda in a trip took after the sky Tavatimsa O. In Nanda on the type saw on, it - favorite one, who is stuck the ears, that had lost nose and the row in fire, in a tree stump, has verkehlt. If they reached the residence of the sky, Nanda saw the heavenly nymphs and asked the Buddha Nanda: "Which you regard as? These nymphs or Janapada?

Nanda answered: Gentleman, Janapada seems on it - favorite scalding to be, compared to these nymphs".

The Buddha said: Nanda. I promise, who will unite the business of these nymphs, if would persist, how I offered it and the joy in order to experience the holy life ".

On the ear that, Nanda that it operated diligemment to win with the goal the heavenly nymphs. Nevertheless, if the other the wish after Nanda it it learned, it made and seen its subject to renounce like the basis and the wish, reached Arhatship.

There is a poem in the collection Theragatha of the poem that one will believe to have written of Nanda, that praises the Buddha, around whom Arahant comes be.

Abeysekera writes: "To make clear, has the choice of Nibbana, Nanda the Buddha and given, is thanks, it respectful saying," gentleman, that, who you its promise heavenlyer ". The Buddha brought then Nanda, that of the promise the moment had been released, he had reached the uppermost of Nibbana because that was of Nibbana and has the heavenly.