Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Why People Go to Hell?

Why People Go to Hell?

I know that it as if has one of long distance to do a trip enough runs.  My does she name this around the knee to arrive to the elbow, or traverses around the elbow to arrive to the knee?  I can never remind me.  But the tourteau that the publishes on last some posts are they pertinent the question of, why are they going you the Hell?  If it puts together the a clear one begins arising:

1.  The hell has in the the of Satan and of the (see:  Why does a true hell have?

2.  The Fact that of the people go the Hell consolidates Word of God and Your in which it taken, and just (see:  What if is no one going the Hell)?

3.  A god a towards in not for person to go the Hell, more than a lot of people will go really the Hell (see:  The heart of God for the Hell).

In people go the Hell because they rebel against the God, they push back Your and are unaware of Your.  With the people go the Hell because they to receive the good day that the God obtained with Your Son.

End of the World

The last weekend that several of us foolishly laughed ourselves on the subject of the end of the of world that.  Nevertheless, I read the man that if believed them that it has the of his life for announcements to notice people.  This is rather sad. 

The people believe fermentation of the fabulous things in major party because they want to believe them.  For example, I read that “l'Y2K" a movement superficiality that appeared in the end of the of ninety did largely of the people that felt of the.  In at least a flat yhey has that a civilization describable.  Then this would be those with all the weapons, with portable, and with of survival, while doing on the order of new sirs a world!  (These beliefs have well by these weapons of the sale, by portable, and by survival classes). 

The belief in immanent end of the world has in the people that feel under concern and of the if they are certain they will be ruptured a paradise.  All have them! 

Dhammakirti, who is Dhammakirti

Dharmakirti has (the VIIe the one of the the most important ones of Yogachara.  Dharmakirti has a principal one Yogachara or "the Spirit Only".  Dhammakirti is the student of Vasubandhu and we study the biography of both teacher and students are supposed to be the Arahant in Buddhism. they both have compiled the Books in Commentaries.

Buddhaghosa, Who is Buddhaghosa


Buddhagosa (B.  The IVe a bigger one of Theravada has Buddhism.  His work of the principle is the Visuddhimagga ("The Buddhagosa it has an influential one of Theravada Buddhism)

Bodhidharma, Who is Bodhidharma?


Bodhidharma (ca.  470-543 THIS) it has the patriarche of Buddhism the historic Buda and the first patriarche of Buddhism (Zen).  It is said to have for nine years in a cave of the Temple of Shaolin in China.  Bodhidharma (ca.  470-543) an Indian monk has of a founder (Zen) Buddhism. 

Aung San Suu Kyi

Arzishop Desmond Tutu said Suu Kyi, "As Gandhi before she, she has fixedly the usage of violence in the fight for the Birmanie of the clutches of his hardmen.  And again, again without tankers, the rifles or a she - and solitude of house one - it continues to place a threat to the military men of the Birmanie".  The Peace of Nobel a political prisoner, and one of the of the and compassion of Buddhism - this is Aung San Suu Kyi.  It has his life the people of the Burma (Myanmar)Aung San Suu Kyi political oppression.

Ananda-Chief Disciples of the Buddha, Who is Ananda?

Ananda Ananda has a cousin of the historic Buddha that became the personal assistant of Buddha.  It has famous for able the teaching of the whole Buddha of the and it is by Ananda that the teaching has.  The of Ananda has the speeches of the historic Buddha.


How to Become a Buddhist?

A Buddhist of Asia becomes, the people an in Buddhism while reading on the subject of that, and there are a lot of excellent books on the subject of available Buddhism.  More of Buddhism learned than only books this is only a not the full banquet.  Find one and the of Buddhist ones is easier than never. 

Buddhism won the best peaceful Religion Award in the World

The Coalition of International one of A - for the of Religious one and the (ICARUS) has The Better Religion In the World a Buddhist one grants this in the.  This price has in for an international round table of more than 200 religious leaders of every party of witty ghost.  It fascinated to notice that a lot of religious leaders for the Buddhism before your own religion although Buddhist does a small letter of the association of ICARUS.  Here the commentaries are by four members: 

Jonna Hult, the Director of Investigation for ICARUS said that this does not have a surprise me that Buddhism has the Better Religion in the World, because we could find not a unique case of a war in the name of Buddhism, by contrast every two religions that seems to maintain a rifle in the closet only to the case the God commits an error.  I have in the of again to find a Buddhist one that never had with a.  These people practice what they a certain one not at not simply could all inform us with any other witty tradition.  A Catholic, the that Ted O'Shaughnessy said Belfast, as much as I love Catholic, has me always in vain that we the love in our an again of the of God when it comes to kill human others.  This is the reason why, I had to vote for the Buddhist ones. 

Such a cash Register Wassad Moslem has Pakistan breadth of his translator.  While I am a Moslem I can see how much and of blood is in the religious expression before that with a personal level.  The Buddhist ones have that it has.  The cash register Wassad, the ICARUS that votes a member for the Pakistan 's the Moslem one has that, indeed, certain of my better friends are Buddhist. 

And the Rabbi Shmuel Wasserstein said of that, well I love an and I think that this is the biggest religion in the world.  But for I practiced one of Vipassana every day before minyan (a daily Jew) 1993.  Then I obtain it. 

Nevertheless, there was one - ICARUS could not find that not anybody to allow the price.  All the Buddhist ones that they maintained to say do not have the price.  When why the a Buddhist birmana has in the price, a monk of Buddhist Bhante Ghurata Haunted said Birmanie, one for thanks Us for the recognition, but we give this price all for lies of nature of Buddha in each of ourselves.  Groehlichen put itself to say that we will maintain to ring around what we found a Buddhist one that will accept.  We will allow that it knows when we do. 

Buddhist Leaders- Learn About the Buddhist Dhamma Masters

His Holiness Dalai Lama

This post is big of the leaders of Buddhist one around the world.  The Buddhist Dharma learns us to find the peace in us and with our sisters and.  During a lot these leaders of buddhist one have the message of world-wide peace and significant contributions returned the war fighter, a suffering of hunger and human.  This post honored these these big of the leaders.  His the Vase of Dalai Lama. 

The Vase of Dalai itself to the witty one and to the leader of the people Tibetans and is believed one of Vases of Dalai.  The current Vase of Dalai, Your Vase of the Tenzin Gyatso Dalai, is the Vase of Dalai and it is in 1935 to the Tibet.  His fled the India in 1959 in the exile and it has since this.  His has first the Vase of Dalai to travel the West.  There is the the teaching of Buddhism breadth of the West and is known for his charisma and the.  In 1989 Your has the Price of the Peace of Nobel for its efforts to provoke the peaceful treatment with China and have them the of now Congresional in 2007.  

Thich Nhat Hanh  

  Thich Nhat Hanh is in 1926 to the and this is the one of the better known of buddhist in the world.  It has more than 100 books and it is a known activist of peace.  In the sixty Thich Nhat Hanh has Youth for the Social Services (SYSS) in the to help to proportion an assistance of the towns.  Right away it has in of Princeton to the and it has of the in of Cornell and Colombia.  In 1967 Thich Nhat Hanh has for the Price of the Peace of Nobel.  Thich Nhat Hanh has active in pacifist movements during a lot and it continues to pray insistently and the by the peace of the Palestinian ones.

Master Cheng Yen 

The of Dharma Cheng Yen is a religious one and the buddhist taiwanesa and the founder of buddhist one Of bases tzu-ji of Relief of Compassion.  Is by distant the one of the leaders the more of a buddhist one in the world.  The masterly Yen of Chen is in 1937 in exchange.  In life she learned the compassion to take care a patient and to Buddhism right away.  In 1966 Cheng Yen Masterly has the Basis without the lucrative ends of tzu-ji, that proportions again the social services in.  The masterly Yen of Cheng believes that a suffering in the world is by a deprivation and a witty one.  Although Cheng Yen Masterly is 70 years old she puts back again daily two speeches of 25 minutes in taiwanesa.  The Basis of the tzu-ji has now on five millions of supporters and 30,000 members of a commission of buddhist one in everyone.  The tzu-ji has in to proportion a relief for the Cyclone of Myanmar Nigris and the earthquake of the China in the Province of Sichuan. 

Zen Buddhism

Buddhism zen The sutras of Mahayana that have in India and in China form the basis of Buddhism Zen.  Of these, the an are more the Sutra of Lankavatara, the Sutra in Diamond, the Samantamukha Parivarta, the Sutra of Heart, a chapter of the Sutra of Allot and the Sutra of Platform of Huineng.  The basic ones of the philosophy of Buddhist one consist in basal concepts of Buddhism Zen also. 

Western Buddhism

Western Buddhism

The western ones saw the go out of the Buddhism around 19 and the XXe.  The as well as the colonizing ones of this time are by the origin of Buddhism the West.  The one of the biggest incidents in the trip of Buddhism the West has of the of Text of Pali.  This XIXe has the efforts of T.W.  Rhys Davies.  Another value of the name that it mentions in this context is that of Eduardo Arnold. 

Theravada Buddhism

Theravada Buddhism

Theravada means 'The old People'.  This term personnifie the sect in the as Theravada Buddhism is in beliefs and the original practices of the Buda and monastic old People.  Also known as Hinayana Buddhism, it principally is in Asia of the south, in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (the Birmanie), the to Cambodia and to the Laos. 

Buddhism tibetano the Buddhism that tibetano is the body of the doctrine of buddhist one and of institutions has at the Tibet, the the Himalayas, the Mongolie, Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia (Russia) and the China of the northeast.  It also is known name of Vajrayana.  In this item, we will proportion it with an introduction to Buddhism tibetano. 

Vajrayana Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism)

Tantric Buddhism (Vajrayana Buddhism) 

Tantric Buddhism is forms enough some others form of buddhist one.  Also known as Vajrayana, (Yanas) Buddhism is as the one of three bigger ones, with Theravada and Mahayana.  Vajrayana Buddhism is a certain one not at all, on the tantras, technical of tantric of the on indians.  It prescribes the technique of 'it uses the as the Path'.  It means that a person must try to identify with the body the speech and the spirit of a Buda. 

Mahayana Buddhism

The Buddhism Buddhism are the one of the oldest religions of the world.  Buddhism is by a lot of people in a lot of the Asian, Eastern countries and south.  As Buddhism has and of new and improvisations came by beliefs and the existing practices.  That has at the and of Buddhism or of sects of the buddhist ones.  Surviving them Buddhism are able little as Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana.  Most of buddhist and the sects favor the followers of the certain practices and philosophies.  Certain of these philosophies and practices are common while an extraordinary or the sect. 

Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism is for the one of the two more big ones of Buddhism.  Also a knowledge as the biggest one arose first to the first one THIS.  Mahayana means the biggest Cart of beef and serves as a more and Buddhism.  Not only the monks and of the but also the current people can follow the path of Mahayana.  Today, the sect is in Asia of the north and inclusively China, Japan, the the Tibet and the Mongolie.