Saturday, 26 March 2011

Catuvesārajjanāna (Four Experties)


In the µahAsIhanAdasutta of MN there are four factors by which the Buddha becomes an unparallel expert and they are called the four Experties.

1.   When the Buddha declares that I am the Fully Enlightened One, there is no any Brahmin, recluse, God or any other being to challenge the Buddha saying that it is not so (ime dhamma anabhisambuddhA).
2.   When the Buddha declares that He has eradicated cankers, no one is able to challenge Him that these cankers are not eradicated (ime AsavA aparikkhīnA).
3.   When the Buddha declares that these factors are harmful to spiritual attainment no one is able to say that they are not harmful for (nAlaM antarAya).
4.   When the Buddha declares that practicing these factors can cause the cessation of suffering in full, no being is able to say that it is not so (na niyyAti takkarassa sammA dukkhakkhayAya).

These are the special powers and knowledges of the Buddha that make Him a teacher, par-excellent and also different from His disciple Arahants.

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