Saturday, 26 March 2011

Sammā Sambuddho


The Buddha is called Fully Enlightened One because He understood the Four Noble Truths (cattari ariyasaccAni) for Himself. The åriyapariyesanasutta of MN records how the Buddha explained Himself once to Upaka whom before we met him.

ßabbAbhibhu sabbAvīdUhamasmi - sabbesu dhammesu anuppalitto,
sabbaM jaho taNhakkhayo vimutto - sayaM abhiJJAya kamuddiseyyaM.

=I am one who won and knows everything, one who is not attached to everything,
One who gave up everything, one who is freed form everything with own higher knowledge, for whom it may be?

ña me Acariyo atthi - sadIso me na vijjati,
sadevakasmiM lokasmiM - natthi me patipuaggalo.

=I don’t have a teacher, there is no one equal to me, in the world including heavens, there is no one equal to me.

åhaM hi arahA loke - ahaM satthA anuttaro,
ekomhi sammA sambuddho - sItibhUtosmi nibbuto.

=Indeed, I am the worthy One in the world, I am the incomparable teacher, I am the only Enlightened One, I am become cold and liberated.

What the Buddha realized the Four Noble Truths (cattari ariyasaccAni) himself to attain full enlightenment he realizes in three circles and
twelve-fold modes (TiparivaTTandvadasAkAra). Siddhartha Gautama was called Sammā Sambuddha because He realized the Four Noble Truths in three circles and twelve fold modes as given follows.

sacciJAna (knowledge of the truth)
kiccaJAna (knowledge the things to be done)
kataNAna (knowledge of the done)
dukkha ariya sacca (the truth of suffering)
pariJeyya (to be known fully)
pariJJAtaM (known fully)
dukkha samudaya ariya sacca (the truth of cause of suffering)
pahAtabbaM (to be given up)
pahInaM (given up)
dukkha nirodha ariya sacca (the truth of cessation of suffering)
sacchikAtabbaM (to be realised)
sacchikataM (realized)
dukkha nirodha gAmanipaTipada ariya sacca (the truth of path leading the cessation of suffering )
bhavetabbaM (to be cultivated)
bhAvitaM (cultivated)

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