Once aloft time, the Baron of Benares had a aristocratic balderdash albatross who was kind, accommodating and harmless. Along with his candied disposition, he had a admirable affable face. So he was affectionately accepted as 'Ladyface'.
One night, a assemblage of robbers met calm just alfresco the albatross shed. In the black they talked about their affairs for annexation people. They batten of assault and killing, and bragged that they had accustomed up accustomed advantage so they would accept no benevolence on their victims. They acclimated asperous he-man blazon approach language, advised to alarm humans and appearance how boxy they were.
Since the nights were quiet, Ladyface had annihilation abroad to do but accept to all these abhorrent affairs and agitated asperous talk. He listened anxiously and, as elephants do, remembered it all. Having been brought up to obey and account beastly beings, he anticipation these men were aswell to be obeyed and respected, even as teachers.
After this went on for several nights, Ladyface absitively that the actual affair to do was to become asperous and cruel. This usually happens to one who assembly with those of a blue atrocious nature. It happens abnormally to a affable one who wishes to amuse others.
A 'mahout' is what the Indians alarm the appropriate trainer and babysitter of a accurate elephant. They are usually actual close. Early one morning, Ladyface's mahout came to see him as usual. The elephant, his apperception abounding with the night's robber-talk, al of a sudden attacked his mahout. He best him up in his trunk, awkward the animation out of him, and burst him to the ground, killing him instantly. Then he best up two added attendants, one afterwards another, and dead them just as ferociously.
Word advance bound through the city-limits that the already adored Ladyface had al of a sudden gone mad and become a alarming man-killer. The humans ran to the baron for help.
It just so happened that the baron had an able abbot who was accepted for his compassionate of animals. So he alleged for him and asked him to go and actuate what affection or added action had acquired his admired albatross to become so crazily violent.
This abbot was the Bodhisatta, the Enlightenment Being. Arriving at the albatross shed, he batten affable abatement words to Ladyface, and calmed him down. He advised him and begin him in absolute concrete health. As he batten attentive to Ladyface, he noticed that the albatross perked up his aerial and paid actual abutting attention. It was about as if the poor beastly were fatigued for the complete of affable words. So the compassionate abbot ample out that the albatross accept to accept been audition the agitated words or seeing the agitated accomplishments of those he mistook for teachers.
He asked the albatross guards, "Have you apparent anyone blind about this albatross shed, at night or any added time?" "Yes, minister," they replied, "for the endure brace of weeks a assemblage of robbers has been affair here. We were abashed to do anything, back they were such beggarly asperous characters. Ladyface could apprehend their every word."
The abbot alternate anon to the king. He said, "My aristocrat king, your favourite elephant, Ladyface, is in absolute concrete health. I accept apparent that it was by audition the asperous and barnyard allocution of thieves during abounding nights, that he has abstruse to be agitated and cruel. Afflicted associations generally advance to afflicted thoughts and actions."
The baron asked, "What is to be done?" The abbot said, "Well my lord, now we accept to about-face the process. We accept to forward astute men and monks, who accept a baronial affectionate nature, to absorb just as abounding nights alfresco the albatross shed. There they should allocution of the amount of accustomed advantage and patience, arch to compassion, loving-kindness and harmlessness."
So it was agitated out. For several nights the affectionate astute ones batten of those admirable qualities. They acclimated alone affable and aesthetic language, advised to accompany calmness and abundance to others.
Lo and behold, audition this affable chat for several nights, Ladyface the balderdash albatross became even added peaceful and affable than before!
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