Big Red, Little Red and No-squeal
Once aloft a time, there were two beasts who were allotment of a country household. At the aforementioned home there aswell lived a babe and a babyish pig. Since he hardly anytime fabricated a sound, the pig was alleged 'No-squeal'.
The masters of the abode advised No-squeal actual actual well. They fed him ample amounts of the actual best rice, and even rice borsch with affluent amber sugar.
The two beasts noticed this. They formed harder affairs ploughs in the fields and bullock carts on the roads. Little Red said to Big Red, "My big brother, in this domiciliary you and I do all the harder work. We accompany abundance to the family. But they augment us alone grass and hay. The babyish pig No-squeal does annihilation to abutment the family. And yet they augment him the finest and fanciest of foods. Why should he get such appropriate treatment?"
The astute ancient brother said, "Oh adolescent one, it is alarming to backbiting anybody. Therefore, do not backbiting the babyish pig for getting fed such affluent food. What he eats is absolutely "the aliment of death".
"There will anon be a alliance commemoration for the babe of the house, and little No-squeal will be the marriage feast! That's why he is getting comfortable and fed in such affluent fashion.
"In a few canicule the guests will arrive. Then this piglet will be abject abroad by the legs, killed, and fabricated into back-scratch for the feast."
Sure enough, in a few canicule the marriage guests arrived. The babyish pig No-squeal was abject abroad and killed. And just as Big Red had said, he was adapted in assorted types of curries and devoured by the guests.
Then Big Red said, "My babyish adolescent brother, did you see what happened to babyish No-squeal?" "Yes brother," replied Little Red, "now I understand."
Big Red continued, "This is the aftereffect of getting fed such affluent food. Our poor grass and hay are a hundred times bigger than his affluent borsch and candied amber sugar. For our aliment brings no abuse to us, but instead promises continued life!"
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