Friday, 8 July 2011

Maha Kaccana

Katyayana was a adherent of Gautama Angel.

Katyayana, also proverbial as Kaccana (or Kaccayana), Mahakatyayana, Mahakaccana and in Japanese as Kasennen, is one of the "Ten Disciples of the Gautama".
(1) Mahakashyapa,
2) Ananda,
3) Shariputra,
4) Subhuti,
5) Purna,
6) Mahamaudgalyayana,
7) Maha Katyayana,
9) Upali and
10) Rahula.

He was best in explaining Dharma. He was born in a varna family at Ujjayini (Ujjain) and received a classical Brahminical teaching studying the Vedas. Katyayana affected assiduously low Asita on Ascension Vindhya, who had predicted that Consort Siddharta would get either a cakravartin, a large mercenary human, or a Siddhartha. With a foregather of vii friends he invitational the Saint to travel, and gained enlightenment (bodhi) piece perception to him exhort. He was ordained, and prefabricated numerous converts in the express of Avanti.

Tradition attributes the initiation to Katyayana of the Nettipakarana, a wreak of grammar, and the Petakopadesa, a treatise on exegetical epistemology, though these were most belike collected by a cultivate descended from him.

In Lotus Sutra Chapter 6 (Conferment of Foretelling), the Gautama bestows prophecies of enlightenment on the disciples Mahakashyapa, Subhuti, Maha Katyayana, and Mahamaudgalyayana

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