Monday, 28 March 2011

The Thirty-seven Factors of Enlightenment


The MahAsakuludAyisutta of MN presents these thirty-seven factors, which are for the practice in the path of purification; they are as follows in brief.

1.  Cattaro Satipatthana – Four Mindfulness------------------------ 4
2.  CattAro SammappadhAnA – Four Exertions---------------------- 4
3.  CattAro IddhipAdA – Four Roots to Psychic power-------------- 4
4.  PaJcindriya – Five Faculties---------------------------------------- 5
5.  PaJcabalA – Five Powers-------------------------------------------- 5
6.  ßatta BojjhaGgA -  Seen Factors of Enlightenment---------------7
7.  åriyo aTThaGgikomaggo – Eight Noble Path---------------------  8
1. CattAro satipaTThAna
1.  KAyAnupassanA – Mindfulness of body
2.  VedAnupassanA – Mindfulness of feelings
3.  CittAnupassanA – Mindfulness of consciousness
4.  ∂hammAnupassanA – Mindfulness of thoughts

2. CattAro sammapadhAna
1. PahAna – Giving up
2. Viramana – Refraining
3. BhAvanA – Developing
4. ånurakkhana – Protection

3. CattAro idhipAda
1. Chanda iddhipAda – Road to psychic power for mental culture
2. Citta iddhipAda – Road to mental power generated for mental culture
3. Viriya iddhipAda – Road to psychic power effort for mental culture
4. VīmaMsa iddhipAda – Road to psychic power investigation for mental culture

4. PaJcendriya
1.  ßaddhA indriya – Faculty of faith
2. Viriya indriya – Faculty of effort
3. ßati indriya – Faculty of mindfulness
4. ßamAdhi indriya – Faculty of concentration
5. PaJJA indriya – Faculty of wisdom

5. PaJcabalA
1. ßaddhA bala – Power of faith
2. Viriya bala – Power of effort
3. ßati bala – Power of mindfulness
4. ßamAdhi bala – Power of concentration
5. PaJJA bala – Power of wisdom

6. ßattabojjhanga
1. ßati sambojjhaGga – Mindfulness factor of Enlightenment
2. ∂hammavicaya sambojjhaGga – Investigation of truth factor of Enlightenment
3. Viriya sambojjhaGga – Effort factor of Enlightenment
4. PIti sambojjhaGga – Rapture factor of Enlightenment
5. Passaddhi sambojjhaGga – Tranquility factor of Enlightenment
6. ßamAdhi sambojjhaGga – Concentration factor of Enlightenment
7. üpekkhA sambojjhaGga – Equanimity factor of Enlightenment

7. Ariya aTThangiko maggo
1. ßammA diTThi – Right view
2. ßammA saGkappa – Right thought
3. ßammA vAca – Right speech
4. ßammA kammanta – Right action
5. ßammA AjIva – Right livelihood
6. ßammA vAyAma – Right effort
7. ßammA sati – Right mindfulness
8. ßammA samAdhi – Right concentration Navalokottara Siridhamma
1.  ßotapanna magga – The path of stream entry
2.  ßotapatti phala The fruit of the stream entry
3.  ßakadAgAmi magga – The path of once returner
4.  ßakadAgAmi phala – The fruit of once returner
5.  ånagAmi magga – The path of non-returner
6.  ånagAmi phala – The fruit of non-returner
7.  årahanta magga – The path of sainthood
8.  årahanta phala – The fruit of sainthood
9.  ñibbAna – Emancipation

Additional note
Swot Analysis is the modern administration for maintaining of business. The Japanese follow this Swot Analysis for their business development as the modern. But the Swot Analysis is not different than cattaro sammappadana in Buddhist explanation for cultivation of one’s life for enlightenment. The Japanese as they are very intellectual people follow the Buddhist analysis of enlightenment. For the comparison you would see in below of these two.
Swot Analysis
Cattaro sammappadana
Meaning of cattaro sammappadana
Given up

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