Monday, 28 March 2011

Four Noble Truths (Cattāri Ariyasaccāni), 37 Factors of Enlightenment (SattatiMsabodhipakkhiyādhamma) & Supramundane in Nine Ways (Navalokottara Saddhamma)


One of them main new teachings of the Buddha to the world is the Four Noble Truths (CattAri AriyAsaccAni), it was the Buddha’s first sermon to be preached to the world. In the ∂hammacakkapavattanasutta of SN the Buddha preached the Four Noble Truths for the first time. In the KotigAmasutta of SN, he Buddha says the following.

CatunnaM bhikkhave saccAnaM ananubodhA, appaIvedA evamidaM dIghamaddhAnaM sandhAvitaM saMsAritaM mamaJceva tumhAkaJca.

=O monks! Both you and me walked and wandered this much long distance (in saMsAra) by not knowing and not realizing the Four Truths.”

This shows how the lack of knowledge of the Four Noble Truths prolonged the saMsAric existence of the being. In the ∂utiyakotigAmasutta of SN shows how those who know the Four Noble Truths are freed from saMsAric suffering.

Ye ca dukkhaM pajAnanti - atho dukkhassa sambhavaM,
yatha ca sabbaso dukkhaM - asesaM uparujjhati,
tam ca maggaM pajAnanti - dukkhUpasamagAminaM,
ceto vimuttisampanno - atho paJJAvimuttiyA,
sabbA te antakiriyAya - na te jAti parUpagA.

=Those who know the unsatisfactoriness,
Then the origin of it,
The place also (where) unsatisfactoriness ceases,
In every way without remain,
Also, know the path, for the ending of suffering,
They endowed with
Liberation from mind and wisdom,
By ending everything
Will not undergo birth and decay.

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