Sunday, 3 July 2011

How to Lose Weight Permanently


How to Lose Weight

How to lose weight? I get this question often- particularly from women who have been on a lot of diets already without getting a permanent result. When asking this question they sometimes try to find a shortcut, something they haven’t tried before and will give perfect results in a short time frame.

Your Personal Goals – How to Lose Weight?

The first thing to do is to be clear about your goals. You need to know what your ideal weight is, the weight that would make you truly happy. This goal needs to be something very motivating- so make the number exciting. Then you should be clear on when you would like to have reached this goal- the exact date. You can calculate your personal ideal weight for women on this website here: Ideal Weight for Women.

How to Lose Weight- Plan

Next, you need to make a plan. Plan on what you eat, when you eat and how much. Buy only these foods- you reduce your chances of falling off the wagon greatly if there is no unhealthy food in your home. Additionally, you need to plan on when you will exercise, what kind of exercise you will do and for how long. Don’t skip this if you ask yourself how to lose weight.

How to Lose Weight- Track Progress

The last thing is to track progress if you need to know “how to lose weight”. For that, buy a nice journal and write down how your weight is diminishing. If it’s not going fast enough, you need to change your exercise routine and change the amount and type of food you are eating. Weight loss plateaus are common, especially for women over 40 who want to lose weight.
In this short article I gave you the basics on how to lose weight.

By Ananda

1 comment:

  1. Oh! That really sounds great! I wonder if I could also lose that much of weight in as less time as you did. You went to California medical weight management. Right? I will also visit there and talk to the doctor. When can I go there? Is it 7 days open? And is there no consultation fee for anyone? Please Fill the Contactus form fast. Thanks
