Sunday, 17 July 2011

Buddhist Ethics

Basically, no, according to Buddhist teachings, the ethical and moral principles of determining whether a particular action were, or whether the body language of which is likely to be harmful to themselves or others and to avoid actions that harm. In Buddhism, there is much talk of a qualified sense. Could be a spirit that is prevents clever lead, actions, suffering or remorse.

The moral behavior of the Buddhists is different depending on whether it applies to the laity or clergy. A lay Buddhist should conduct training in what is known as the Care "five commandments." These are, for example the Ten Commandments, which, if broken, means a punishment from God. The five precepts are training rules to break, if it were one of them, one must be aware of the bedroom and examine how a breech birth can be avoided in the future. The result of an action (often referred to as karma) depends on the intent rather than action itself. This means less guilt than Judo-Christian counterparts. Buddhism focuses on the "spirit" and anguish, remorse, fear, guilt, etc., are avoided, should cultivate a calm mind and peaceful. The five precepts are:

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