Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Ambapali, also famous as "Ambapa-lika" or "Amrapa-li", was a nagarvadhu (stag mistress) of the republic of Vaishali in ancient Bharat around 500 BC.Shadowing the Mystic's teachings she became an Arahant. She is mentioned in the old Pali texts and Religion traditions, specially in meeting with Saint staying at her Mango forest, Ambapali vana which she afterwards donated to his Condition, and wherein he preached the famous Ambapalika Sutta

Ambapali or Amrapali was of variable relationship, and was surrendered her cant because at her change she was initiate at the pes of a mango actor in one of the stag gardens in Vaishali.

Ambapali grew to be a muhammedan of incomparable beauty, tempt, and petition. Umpteen childlike nobles of the republic wanted her consort. To desist confrontations among her suitors, she was accorded the position of state odalisque of Vaishali. Stories of her example travelled to the ears of Bimbisara., tycoon of the unfriendly neighbouring area of Magadha. He attacked Vaishali, and took resort in Amrapali's refuge. Bimbisara was a redeeming performer. Before long personality, Ambapali asked Bimbisara to going and cease his war. Bimbisara, smitten with know, did as she asked.In the eyes of the people of Vaishali, this incident prefabricated him a coward. Subsequent, Amrapali aegir him a son named Vimala Kondanna. Ajatashatru, Bimbisara's son by added negroid, took penalize by invasive Vaishali.

At one abstraction, Ambapali wanted the allow of serving substance to Mystic. The Religionist traditions posit that Angel conventional the invitation against the wishes of the ruling aristocracy of Vaishali.[thoroughbred required] Ambapali conventional Gautama with her suite, and offered meals to him. Presently thereafter, she renounced her line as courtesan, recognized the Buddhistic faith, and remained an open proponent of the Religionist tell.

On growing up, Vimala Kondanna too became a Faith religious

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