Saturday, 11 June 2011

If the Buddha is not a God, Then why do people pay respect to him?

There are different types of the worship.  If someone festoniert a God, they praise it or it, who makes and asks tribute around the favor, that believes, that its compliment the God, its tributes is received and will answer on its prayers.  THE Buddhist of willing into this worship class not on.  The other worship class is if we show it the respect or in something, what we admire.  If a professor goes in a, whom we stop, if we find one, that if the national anthem played becomes, we.

This are cultivated is it all gestures of the respect and that and show it our admiration before the people and the things.  That is the Buddhist type of the worship practice.  A statue of the Buddha with its that slowly in its knees and its sympathetic rested are, remembers us in order to try us, in order to develop us the peace and the love.  That of the memory of the incense we the influence, that virtue that extends lamp, remembers us light of the knowledge and the flowers whose express train bletch die and it, the memories we the character.  If we tend in addition, we our gratitude of the Buddha from, what its school systems gave us.  That is the Buddhist worship nature.

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