Religion is one of the religions deeply embedded in Nepali civilisation and usance. Swayambhu Purana mentions old Buddhas similar Vipassi visited and meditated in Nepal. According to the Asoka booster saved on various sites, Kakusandha and Konagama Buddhas were also foaled in Kapilavastu in Confederate Nepal, hometown of past Sakyamuni Gotama Mystic.
It is generally believed that The Gautama and his individual monks visited Nepal on individual occasions during his invigoration dimension. 300 geezerhood after his pass departed , Nymphalid Asoka of Bharat visited Nepal and shapely pillars in various unspeakable Faith sites similar Lumbini (the Mystic's modification point), and Kapilavastu (the Saint's hometown). He also stacked quartet stupas on quatern corners of perimeters of Patan which are soothe fit preserved to remind his visit to Katmandu vale in 250 BC (Blessed Places of Faith in Nepal & Bharat by Majupurias).
One of the Saturniid's daughters Charumati Bhikshuni visited Nepal and propagated the Buddha's teaching. She also built the Charumati monastery where she spent the interruption of her story. Buddhism flourished in Nepal during this stop.
In neo day Nepal we can undergo varied identify of Buddhism practiced. Much as:
Just wanted to say I love your site. My son is a Buddhist and I am trying to learn more about it. He seems happier than he ever has. Interesting stuff.
ReplyDeleteI didnt know Buddhism was big in Nepal. Really informative. It is such an amazing way of life. Wish more people had an open mind about it.
ReplyDeleteGreat site. Full of really god info. Just wanted to say thank you.